Rucking Wild is Official - The Dream Became the Reality

I honestly cannot believe I am here writing this.

I have been wanting to make this official for so long. I have been sharing my passion about rucking and how it helped me on my social media for over 2 years now. I started simply just to share and be accountable and then it became more. I wanted to pay it forward, give back, share the wealth; so, to speak!

Rucking Wild was a phrase I coined in my various hashtags. I am sure it was spoken long before I joined the Ruck, but I liked the play on words from the term "Rucking" sounding like a naughty  swear...sorry; and the truth that I was indeed Rucking in the wild. I started to have this belief that Rucking Wild could be more than just words, it could be my alter-ego, it could grow. So here it is the world of Rucking Wild is about to get bigger and I am stoked to have you join me.

I am ready to bring Rucking to the masses, especially in the UK. I also really want to share my story beyond Rucking, mostly my battle with addiction and my weight. I just hope I can help people by sharing my story, explaining how I cope, detailing how I am feeling as this is a journey that does not stop. Throughout the posts, articles, pictures, links etc I will share my experiences and the raw truth because transparency matters to me. I have nothing to hide.

This is epic and it's going to be Rucking Awesome!